We had a lot to finish today and this being our last full day we had to get an early start. We met at 6:45 A.M. but even then we made sure to start the day off worshipping the Lord and focusing our attention on Him. After a short breakfast we were off to La Finca for a day of work projects and playing with the kids. We had the majority of the benches to finish staining and then we put a final coat of lacquer on each of them. It was an amazing sight looking out over the grass and watching both Americans (Gringos) and Costa Ricans (Ticos) working together.
After lunch we still had some benches to finish and later the team was split up to start on other projects. One group was to make cement and repair a low wall that leaked sewage onto the grounds. Another was to dig a trench to lead it away from the buildings. After we had completed our projects It was a quick run back to the mission house to clean up and prepare for the trip out to Tejarcillos.
We have focused on Los Guido the majority of our time here and today was our first visit to the people of Tejarcillos. Scott and Naomi led us in bilingual worship and afterward a group from the church put on a short skit depicting the story of Jesus raising a girl to life. We had seen this skit many times in VBS but it still gave me chills to watch it; not knowing Spanish it still made clear to me the awesome power of Christ. Pastor Rogelio (the Pastor of New Life Church of Tejarcillos) spoke from Colossians 2:1&2 which talks about being encouraged and knit together in love. He focused on our struggles and that even though our lives are full of them we should be encouraged by them. We must seek God to be in our lives more than ever. It is God who gets us through our struggles and we need to live lives that please Him no matter what. It was a short sermon in a small rented out room but the power of God shown through to touch us all.
We had dinner with the Tejarcillos church and visited with the community before heading back to the mission house. Though it was a short night for us in Tejarcillos, we were able to see the many struggles that they face. Yet they are being called to rise above all that stands against living for Jesus just as we are called to back home.
Last year Jenna Grotewold ate a GIANT worm for $50. Kelsi got the same offer...did she do it??? Hmmm. You'll have to come to CBC on January 17th to find out. Yes, she looks as though she would never eat a worm BUT those of you who know her also know that she is incredibly CHEAP and would do almost anything for money...
Hebrews 10:39 "But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed but of those who believe and are saved."
Ok, her sister Kati would have certainly done it just for bragging rights. Kelsi, NO WAY!
ReplyDeleteBut it is a GREAT picture. We laughed and laughed!