Yesterday was yet another day packed with amazing opportunities! After a great night's rest, we began the day with an energizing breakfast and continued with worship and Bible study. As we completed Hebrews chapter 11, the realization and importance of faith in Christ was made clear. It is having having hope in the "unseen." Walking through God's Word, the true meaning of faith was examined through the lives of those who displayed such in unbelievable ways: men like Noah, David and Gideon. It was such tremendous faith that set the pathway for what would take place throughout the day. Today, we would pass out food bags in La Carpio. As we gathered our things to leave and loaded the food bags on the bus, God began to make visible the needs of those around us.
It was today that God had planned for us to go into the "trash can" of Costa Rica. La Carpio is well known for its gang activity, violence, and poverty and is an area with roughly 40,000 people. As we mingled through the small sewage filled roads, burning trash, and yearning eyes we set out to overcome the devil's boring plans and follow Christ's example. It was this great opportunity of realizing that God intentionally chose our team for this specific day and guided us to each home as He pleased. There were seven teams consisting of two individuals from the leadership team (from Los Guido) and three to four Gringos. Each Gringo was responsible for carrying one to three food bags. Tracking through the rough terrain and hot sun, the teams moved house to house. Approaching each house, the two leadership individuals would explain that the food bag they are receiving is "A gift from God". They then would ask them for their time in hopes that they could share God's Word with them. They walked the families through what is called "the bridge" illustration, providing them with the tools to know Christ and accept Him as Lord and Savior. As for the Gringos, it was our responsibility to pray for the homes, individuals, and food bags that were being distributed. God was using the teams to meet the physical needs, and it was our hope that the people of La Carpio would see much more in the bag than just food-we hoped they would see Jesus Christ himself. As we walked house to house, we were welcomed into homes with open hearts and open arms and we enjoyed the friendliness and eagerness of the kids on the streets.
It was a long day in the heat but God provided endurance. It was a day that could have been tremendously "boring" and God made it emotional, exciting, and awesome. It is through faith of the "unseen" that much fruit would come from the visiting of these homes; that what took place wouldn't end after they received the bag of food, but that there would be an eternal influence. Throughout the day God's Word was received, hope became visible, and hearts were restored. It is the hope and prayer of this team that La Carpio would become a place well known for experiencing and living out the Word of God.
Please continue to pray for safety, protection, and guidance for the people of La Carpio as well as the leadership team as they courageously speak God's word to those in need. Pray that many seeds would be planted and much fruit would be produced as our short stay is only part of an eternal plan. Pray for the courage and selfless servanthood of our team as we continue to serve the people of Los Guido and Teracillos. Pray that hearts would be vulnerable to the work that is taking place and that individuals would be receptive of God's truth. Pray that our eyes and hearts would be aware of the opportunities that God is providing us.
Thank You for all your prayers and support.
Great blog Conway. It feels like we are there with the team. Love you all!
ReplyDeleteConway, I loved this blog. Your words are so true. I am hoping to GO with CBC next year. I am praying for your team!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update Conway. It seems as though everyone is having a great time together and ministering to the kids of the communities. Keep it up. I pray for you all.
ReplyDeleteThe photo of the two little boys in the boxes=such a good picture!!!
ReplyDeleteYes, faith in the unseen is so important. I pray I can GO next year!!! Great blog Conway.